What is anxiety? You are not sure if what you suffer is anxiety? Then let me first introduce you to the term itself. Anxiety is a feeling when you are paranoid about some matter that disturbs your thought process to a level that you cannot focus on your activity. There are different types of anxiety, and so are the reasons or causes of that feeling. Anxiety is synonymous with fear, phobia, stress, paranoia, confusion, agitation, and a few related. 

When a person feels a concern related to a particular matter disturbing to a level, of losing clarity and start behaving irrationally, there are multiple types of anxiety, and each one has various reasons for the cause. One needs to identify the triggers that cause anxiousness, and addressing the issue is more comfortable. NLP has techniques that help identify the cause and address it too. Let us understand a few significant types of anxiety.

1) General Anxiety Disorder

When a person without any specific reason starts worrying about everything that surfaces in their day to day activities, it can be as small as a needle or as big as a ship. The sense of worry & tension always stays in the patient conscious mind making them behave in an exaggerated manner stressing the person to discomfort for no significant reason. 

2) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

This type of anxiety is a compulsive behavior in an individual to perform a particular ritual that they are obsessed with. The obsession of getting infected by covid19 virus has made people compulsively sanitize their hands. When they are not doing it, they feel disturbed and once done, find it relieving their stress. Many habits like washing hands frequently, cleaning, again and again, the same place, checking the switches of the house despite they being off and so on. These kinds of repeated behavior which, when not done, create a disturbance in mind are references of OCD. 

3) Panic Disorder

When a person experiences repeated instances of fears, that feeling or attacks are called panic disorder. These are referred to attacks as they also create much of physical discomfort like dizziness, heart palpitation, chest pain, abdominal distress and similar. Many times a fear of losing someone or prolonged stress about a matter leading to loss makes a person insecure and creates a sense of fear. So, thought about the matter makes them uncomfortable imagining the loss. 

4) Social Phobia

We quite often come across this in younger generations these days. It is a fear of being judged when in social contact. Social Phobia many a time is a result of a person generally staying isolated. Hence, when they have to go out and interact, they are not comfortable, and they avoid doing social interactions. When they have to do, they are so low on confidence that they fumble and further feel embarrassed. It is related to any representation, be it communication or eating or drinking in front of people. 

5) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

This type of anxiety is due to a particular incident or accident in life. When one has lived through an unpleasant experience, it stays with them forever in memory, and the remembrance of it disturbs them mentally. It is in cases of mental and physical abuse, survivors, fighters and alike. 

Read More NLP can help you to overcome anxiety and depression

Anxiety is common these days in the covid19 conditions as everyone, to some extent, is paranoid about getting infected. However, the intensity of the feeling makes a person a patient, so one should keep a check on their fear levels and mental strength. In our NLP coaching, we teach how to increase mental immunity and resistance, how to identify the triggers and take charge of emotions. Register today for our next session and get rid of anxiety bondage.


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